Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Dance

Yep, I'm doing the happy dance and I don't think it's because I'm walking bare feet on cold tile. I actually managed to sleep through the night without my usual 3:30am e-mail check. Woke up and went to the computer, scanned my e-mail with blurry eyes and noticed hmmm Kohl's is having another sale, LL Bean is offering a free gift card with purchase and netflix received my movie. And wait a minute that's a new e-mail address but my eyes are so blurry what does it say? Hanoi? It's from Hanoi and there's approval in the subject line. So I skim through the e-mail and I begin the happy dance.

Waiting for a call from my agency about possible travel dates. Yeah there will be another stocking on the mantel this year.

PS By the way, it is virtually impossible to dial a phone while doing the happy dance even if it is the same number that your parents have had since you were two years old!!


Stacey said...

Congratulations!! Getting that email is so surreal, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Hooray!! Congratualtions.

MemberNYPD said...

I so enjoy your humor. I wish I could be that witty... See, when you stop looking, it appears. (the email reading at 3am)

Keep me posted!!!!!!