Saturday, December 13, 2008

A post, at last!

Yes, we kind of fell off the planet for a while. It all started with our "wonderful" adventure at the Hanoi airport and continued from there. Actually the flights weren't bad but on the ground I didn't feel like we were flying the friendly skies at all. Annie managed to sleep on the plane (thankfully Rie and I had an extra seat between us), Rie and I on the other hand, watched too much TV. We kept waiting for sleep to come and it never did.

Once home Annie decided she had had enough change and went from my adventuresome trooper to a "don't ever put me down" 14 month old. Thank goodness she's a petite little thing. I had to put Annie down at one end of my parent's family room and run to the other end just to show then she can walk (and scream while doing it too). Things are getting better and my jet lag would be gone if I could just get her to adjust just a little bit each day but no one makes Annie sleep when she's not ready to sleep (and I swear she'll fight it just to prove that she can). I think one night at 4 am I may have promised her a car if she went to sleep but it's a blurry memory at best.

Tonight's the first night I've been able to really get on the computer but don't ask about photos, I'm not totally sure where my camera is right now and we never got the USB cable for my sister's camera so I suppose she'll have to send me a CD of them at some point.

Over the next couple of days I hope to find my camera and take some pictures of Annie in her new digs, that is if I can convince her that being on Mommy's arms isn't the best way to see the world. :-)


Hiking Mama said...

Oh my gosh, River went through the same phase when we got home. It's hard! As more time passes she will feel much more secure without your arms :)

Welcome home! Glad to hear the trip home wasn't too bad!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home, glad to hear you made it safely. Things will settle down and when they do I want to hear more about everything. I'm a blog junkie.

Jill said...

Welcome Home, I've been following your blog for awhile now. Sounds so familiar. The first couple weeks home with my daughter, I wished she had velcro that I could just attach her to me and save my arms. The only time she was comfortable being put down was if she was in her high chair eating. So I used to stick her in her high chair with lots of Cheerios, roll the high chair into the bathroom and take a long bath while she munched. Ahh! Hey, you do what you need to do. Good luck, it does get easier.